Release Date: Oct 24, 2024 – The Superior National Forest (Superior NF), Forest Supervisor, Tom Hall has terminated Forest Order 09-09-25-01, lifting burning restrictions in Cook, Koochiching, Lake and St. Louis Counties within the Superior NF boundary, effective Friday, October 25, 12:01am. The fire restriction update has been coordinated with Minnesota DNR, and the Bois Forte and Grand Portage Bands. Recent rain and improved humidity have reduced, although not eliminated, wildfire risk across the Forests’ 3 million acres. The termination of fire restrictions includes the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness within the Superior National Forest. The termination order closes Forest Orders 09-09-25-01 Forest wide fire restriction, 09-09-24-08 BWCAW fire restrictions, and 09-09-24-09 forest wide fire restrictions.
Additionally, the following wildfire emergency closures have been updated:
- The Wood Lake closure 09-09-24-07 reduction opens the Wood Lake BWCAW point of entry #26: Wood, Hula, Good and Indiana Lakes; and eight (8) area portages (see exhibit A & B). For wildfire specific information see Mnsuf Wood Lake Fire Information | InciWeb
- The Shell Lake closure 09-09-25-02 reduction opens Sioux Hustler Trail loop, Agawato Lake campsite, and two campsites on the eastern side of Shell Lake (see exhibit A & B). For wildfire specific information see Mnsuf Shell Lake Fire Information | InciWeb
The potential for wildfire is still high, and while Minnesota is at a Planning Level 3, resources are still limited due to fire and hurricane activity across the U.S. It is extremely important that people area careful with any sources of ignition such as smoking devices, dragging chains, and recreational vehicles. If you are planning a campfire, give thoughtful consideration if the conditions are right and if you need a fire. Be sure to keep your campfire small and put it out cold to the touch whenever you leave it. All campfires must be attended at all times.
For additional information regarding fire-related and/or forest closures and updates:
National Interagency Fire Center has predicated above normal wildfire risk potential for all of Minnesota, including the Superior National Forest. See map and information at October NIFC Wildfire Potential Outlook
Superior National Forest-Forest Orders, and Superior NF Fire Management
National Fire incident reporting system –https://inciweb.wildfire.gov
Minnesota Incident Command System website at www.mnics.org
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