The Training Working Team (TWT) was established to provide leadership and support necessary to foster a multi-agency training program for wildfire, prescribed fire, Incident Command System and dispatch to serve the needs of wildfire and emergency response agencies in Minnesota.
TWT accomplishes this through the development of a five year training plan based on MNICS member needs; sharing the training workload among all member agencies; collaborating with new partners (such as community colleges) to deliver training as per NWCG standards; and planning, communicating and providing annual training to member agencies and the Task Force, including the annual Wildfire Academy.
The Working Team is comprised of a minimum of one representative from each of the MNICS partner agencies.
Members include:
- TF Rep: BJ Glesener (218) 322-2709
- BIA: Robert Lintelmann Chair (218) 751-2011 x406
- FWS: Mike Hill
- NPS: Tyler Brink
- DNR: Taylor Schenk (218) 322-2683
- DNR: Terry Flatley (218) 322-2683 or 2702
- FS: Scott Swendsen (414) 297-1412
- HSEM: Vacant
- ICC: Vacant