Dispatch Working Team

The Dispatch Working Team was established to…

Each MNICS Working Team will have one (1) Agency Rep. that will serve as the Core Working Team Membership (with signatory authority) and additional ad hoc members can be added  (but with no signatory authority) but with Task Force approval.  All ad hoc members need their Agency’s Task Force Rep. approval ahead of time to attend the MNICS Annual Meeting each year.

The Chair and Vice Chair are both 2 year terms. Time as Vice Chair should be used to learn the roles and responsibilities of the Chair.

Dispatch Working Team Charter 2021-2024


  • Chair: David Blatz (US FWS)
  • Vice Chair: Natasha Woodwick (BIA)
  • Task Force Rep: Ryan Kingsley (USFS)
  • Angela Porter (USFS)
  • Amber Jungwirth (MN DNR)
  • Becky Robershaw (USFS SUF – AD)
  • Jolene Soltis (MN DNR)
  • Jake Serfling (MN DNR)
  • Jerrod Hegwood (USFS)
  • Vacant (NPS)


  • Conducts Working Team meetings and conference calls.
  • Receives DWT assignments from the MNICS Taskforce.
  • Prepare documentation showing progress or completion of DWT assignments.
  • Establish sub-committees and ad-hoc working groups, as necessary.
  • Prepare the article for the MNICS Annual Report.
  • Attend Taskforce meetings and provides a report(s) to the Taskforce on the Working Team activities and accomplishments.
  • Manage information sharing with the dispatch community on the MNICS.org Dispatch Working Team page.
  • Maintains the MNICS Dispatch Working Team Channel. (Microsoft Teams)


  • Any duties delegated by Chair.


  • Present completed WT assignment to Task Force.
  • Bring concerns to the attention of Task Force.
  • Submit requests for funding to Task Force.
  • Keep Team on point with primary Task Force assignments.

Year               Chair     Vice Chair

2024/2025           FWS       BIA

2026/2027           BIA         NPS

2028/2029           NPS        USFS

2030/2031           USFS      DNR

2032/2033           DNR        FWS


  1. Provide a member to the MNICS Annual Meeting Planning and Implementation committee.
  2. Foster the development of dispatchers in all function areas of dispatch and provide interagency training opportunities.
  3. Maintain Leadership rotation schedule and working team roster
  4. Deliver a bi annual dispatch workshop
  5. Conduct an annual review of relevant portions of the MNICS Mob Guide
  6. Produce the Single Resource Mobilization FAQ sheet pamphlet.
  7. Evaluate the need for and sponsor IROC Training sessions for dispatchers and IMT members.
  8. Identify location options that would serve as sites for dispatch training. Create a list of statewide options.
  9. Evaluate and deliver D-110 locally and support the delivery of D-310 and D-311 regionally.